UX and business’s reputation

Merri Grigoryan
1 min readJan 24, 2021

Hey folks! I continue the course I’ve wrote about during prev article.

The second callenge was this question below:

Why does UX minimize risk to a business’s reputation?

My response to it was:

We should consider UX a core to customer acquisition and retention, as when users are satisfied with a product and it meets their needs, they tend to come back for more and tell about it, recommend it to others: thus, the business’s reputation will grow.

As Neil Patel wrote in his article: “60% of consumers share a bad experience with others — and they tell 3x as many people — compared to only 46% who share the good ones.” This is also appliable for users, who use our digital products. So, if a user is unhappy, it’ll cost a lot to a business and its reputation.

That’s why the companies which are investing in UX and prioritizing their users’ gains and pains are successful and of high reputation in the market.

You can further dig into UX and ROI here: https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/article/the-roi-of-ux-customer-conversions?r=mary-10

You can further dig into UX and busness’s reputation here: https://medium.com/@arthonsystech/why-ui-ux-design-is-most-important-for-business-application-69f4afcb0f3d



Merri Grigoryan

Researcher by nature, human-centered from all of my heart, doing my best to covert user pain points into usable and useful solutions.